Maker Magpie HQ is situated in a rainy corner of the Northwest of Ireland in the very north end of County Roscommon. 

Caroline Walshe is chief maker and chief magpie here at Maker Magpie - artist, designer, puppeteer, performer, teacher, curator, taxidermist, sheep keeper and general mastermind behind the whole operation. Taking inspiration from the amazing countryside around her and the woods her studio looks right out into she designs environmentally friendly craft kits and knitting and sewing patterns.

Caroline started at a very early age using sticky tape - that well known gateway crafting material - before going on to discover the joys of masking tape and even glue guns while studying sculpture in art college. She finally progressed to more sustainable materials later, and now has a firm wool habit.

Twenty years ago in Donegal she learned to make felt and never looked back. Now with shelves in her studio overflowing with wool, fabric, collected random weirdness and the odd bit of dodgy home taxidermy, she attempts to use natural and biodegradable materials in her business, locally sourced where possible.